About the App
How It Works
Search for medications at pharmacies near you.
Our network spans the entire United States and territories. Just enter your zip code and find the pharmacy nearest you.
Use discount card to save up to 80%* off.
On your behalf, we’ve negotiated a discount rate with a national network of drugstores and retail outlets. All you have to do is find your medication and a discount card is generated instantly.
Show the pharmacist your card at purchase.
All you need is your phone—no printouts, no medical cards, no hassle—simple as that.
What customers are saying about the app
Using my QuilityRx discount card saved me more than half of my prescription costs this month. Over $65 dollars!
Bill, South Berwick, ME
I used the QuilityRx mobile app and found a cheaper pharmacy in my town. I saved $108 on my last prescription.
Malinda, Brooklyn, NY
Awesome app! Easy to use and has saved me a ton of money.
Enrico, Boston, MA
Works much better than old app. Better prices than other discount cards.
JD Parkes, Houston, TX