3 simple steps

Search for prescription and find the lowest price at a pharmacy near you.

35,000 pharmacies have partnered directly with QuilityRx to offer you discounts on prescriptions.
Save up to $95 per eligible prescription!

QuilityRx is a free prescription discount card that helps users nationwide save every month by finding them the lowest price on prescriptions at their local pharmacies.
Yes! QuilityRx can still help you reduce your prescription costs and help you find prices that are lower than some of your typical co-pays. Sometimes insurance doesn’t cover a certain prescription or you can’t afford your medication due to a high deductible; this is where we can help.
Yes, you can use this card as often as you like.
If you run into an issue using one of our cards at your pharmacy, please call us on the Pharmacy Hotline shown on your card. We can typically resolve most issues while you’re in the pharmacy.
Your insurance or Medicare plan’s co-pays may not be the lowest price. Show your QuilityRx card to the pharmacist and ask them to run your QuilityRx card to see which price is lower. There are many discounts available that may offer lower prices than your co-pay or Medicare prices.